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The Premier Conference For MSPs Looking For “Fast-Scale” Strategies

How To Leap Frog Competition, Experience Massive Growth And Achieve In Months What Most Don’t Achieve In Decades Using “Fast-Scale” Strategies

In This Live One-Day Event MSP CEOs Will Discover What It Takes To Say Goodbye To “Normal” Growth And Add Multiple-Millions To Their Business EVERY Year
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This one-day event is designed for MSPs who want to leave their competition in the dust and grow at rates that most think impossible

You’ll get real-life strategies, being used today to grow by 50% to 100% year after year...and do it withOUT driving your team insane, a decline in service, or jeopardizing everything you’ve built. You’ll get the TOP strategies that the fastest growing MSPs, the top 1%, are using to leave others in the dust AND do it manageably.


Discover What It Takes To Say Goodbye To “Normal” Growth And Add Multiple-Millions To Your Business EVERY Year!
New Locations Added - Tickets Now $99! Click on the city to reserve your spot

All Registrants Get Immediate Access To These Two Presentations On AI Tools:

Discover 10 AI Tools You Can Use To Personalize Content, Repurpose Existing Content, And Use Content In A More Exciting Way
How To Make More Accurate Predictions And Better Business Decisions QUICKER Using AI Tools
How This Next Wave Of AI Will Be Hugely Disruptive And What It Will Eliminate (Say Goodbye To Massive Storage Needs And Traditional Training Tools.)

What To Expect

In this one-day tell-all event, you’ll hear from MSPs that are adding multiple millions to their top (and bottom lines) each year and get the exact steps one MSP has used to go from $7M – $15M in the past 24 months and how they will add over $10M in revenue THIS year.
In addition to outside growth, you’ll get the top ORGANIC growth strategies of the fastest growing MSPs and discover the hidden goldmine right under your nose (increase bottom line by 15% - 30% without adding a single new client!)
This is not for those in the start-up or sub-$500,000 revenue phase of business. This is for more established MSPs looking to exponentially scale, multiply their valuation and discover the strategies only the best of the best are using.

This event is strictly limited to 60 CEOs, owners and founders with the bonus session available to just the first 10 people who decide to join.

Expert Sessions Include

Will Nobles

ceo, vector choice Technologies

How I Grew To $18 Million Using Mergers And Acquisitions

Sometimes the cheapest and fastest way to acquire new logos and the staff that can service them is to acquire or merge with other MSPs. For many of the mega MSPs, acquisition is their main (and sometimes only) focus when looking at new logos.

Done right you can add millions to your business in mere months and acquire staff and tools to service them AND eliminate redundancies increasing not just your top, but bottom line as well.

Done wrong, you’re stuck with a bad acquisition that could be a money-draining time suck that could even jeopardize the business you’ve worked so hard to build.
This session will expose the most common pitfalls and “gotchas” to steer clear of so that you can successfully expand quickly and profitably (and maybe even purchase some of the car wrecks you’ve avoided!)

Key Strategies To Exponentially Multiply Your Value In The Next 3-5 Years

Using the right strategies and knowing the key valuation factors investors and private equity firms are looking for, it’s entirely possible to raise your company valuation 3x, 5x, 10x or more in a relatively short time frame…if you start now.
In this session you’ll get a “buyer-side” look at the main drivers of your company valuation so that you can go from having an ‘OK’ exit that you're satisfied with, to having an “Amazing” exit that could lead to generational wealth and be way beyond anything you thought possible.

The key difference is to laser focus on the metrics provided in this presentation and then spending a few years to maximize them. This is a must-attend session whether you’re looking for a quick exit, or in it for the long-haul, because what you walk out knowing will determine when you can retire and if you’ll be truly wealthy when you do.
Frank M. DeBenedetto

Frank M. DeBenedetto

Founder, audIT - Owner, Two River Technology Group  LLC.

Mastering The Art Of The Sell: A Multi-Million Dollar MSP Exit Case Study

Every decision you make in your MSP today will affect the money you make when you sell. Whether that is next month, year or in 10 years, it is critical to make the right moves every step of the journey.

Frank DeBenedetto recently sold his MSP. From running his MSP, creating a software company for MSPs, to having that acquired by Kaseya, to selling his own MSP; Frank credits key decisions along this journey as critical to his success. These include decisions he made years ago to the months prior that drove huge enterprise value when he sold.
During the process of selling his MSP, Frank had the unique opportunity to be in the room with some of the top M&A minds in the business like Fred Voccola, Gary Pica and many more. Not only did he get counseling when he needed it... he also had the luxury of sitting in on many other deals, large and small.

But most MSPs don’t have insider access to the same counseling and information that Frank did. The average MSP leaves value on the table when they sell because they just don’t know what they don’t know. This puts them at a huge disadvantage when sitting across the table from a seasoned buyer who knows how to get the best deal for themselves.

Working with his M&A dream team, Frank put together an M&A platform that every MSP can leverage, whether you’re buying or selling. You can learn in weeks what took Frank years to figure out on his own so you can also have a massively successful exit when you’re ready to.

Aaron Leicht

VP Of Client Coaching, technology Marketing toolkit

Organic Growth Strategies Of The Fastest Growing MSPs

Acquisition is great, but what if that’s just the beginning? What if after you acquire an MSP you could add 25% - 40% in MRR from those same new clients in a single year? If you don’t have the margins you currently need to finance acquisition, would increasing your bottom line by 40% - 60% or more free up the cash you need to do so?
In this session you’ll get the top ORGANIC growth strategies of the fastest growing MSPs in the industry. You’ll see how to take a “ho-hum” business that you can buy for pennies on the dollar, to a virtual cash cow.

These high-profit, high-growth strategies are 100% replicable, but few ever learn them or put them into place because they have low-profit clients and can only afford slow-growth strategies. You’ll get actual examples and real results from MSPs doing this right now to add millions in top- and bottom-line revenue to be some of the fastest organic growth MSPs with the highest profit margins.
Tonya Gentry

Tonya Gentry

Chief Sales Officer, 
Big Red Media

Fueling Your MSP's Future: How Market Development Funds (MDF) Can Drive Explosive Growth

Imagine accessing substantial funding to supercharge your MSP's growth – funds that are entirely yours, requiring no repayment, and can be utilized for high-impact events, robust marketing campaigns, and more. This opportunity is real and readily available to MSPs of all sizes. Say hello to Marketing Development Funds (MDF).

MDF represents a treasure trove of financial support, graciously offered by manufacturers and brands to empower their channel partners in creating widespread brand awareness, executing impactful marketing strategies, and boosting product sales. In essence, it's free money that numerous vendors, already in partnership with MSPs like you, are making available. Astonishingly, a significant portion of this financial resource remains untapped, with estimates suggesting an untouched reserve ranging from $25 to $35 billion.

Leading vendors have substantial funds at their disposal, earmarked exclusively for proactive MSPs actively promoting their services. This session is tailored to empower MSPs like yours to seize your rightful share of the MDF bounty.
Here's what you'll gain:

• Understanding MDF: Discover what MDF truly is and how much of it is immediately accessible to you.

• Funding Sources: Identify the vendors with available funds and ascertain the extent of this untapped resource.

• Expert Strategies: Gain invaluable insights and expert tips that streamline your path to claiming your slice of the MDF pie.

• Real-World Success Stories: Draw inspiration from peers who've leveraged their MDF allocation to generate leads and recurring revenue. Swipe and deploy their winning strategies to catapult your own revenues.

At this very moment, your vendors have set aside six to seven figures of marketing capital exclusively for YOU. Learn the precise steps to secure your rightful share of MDF!



How To Increase Revenues 10-20% Without Adding A Single Client

You're working nonstop, revenue is up, yet your take-home pay hasn't budged. Despite business growth, profitability lags - making it tough to fund additional scaling.
Meanwhile, you notice less capable competitors using a different playbook. They rapidly grow their MSPs, operate more efficiently, and drive profitability. Their bank accounts swell while you tread water.

In this session, you'll learn the secrets of the high-profitability playbook to:
• Boost efficiency and margins across all aspects of delivery
• Ensure you maximize your current clients' value
• Bring home 20%, 30% or more in personal pay

Danny Gaston

Director of Strategic Channel Partners, Coro

A Game-Changing Solution For Securing Your Clients With Less Hassle

Are you tired of juggling multiple cybersecurity tools and platforms to keep your clients safe? Are you looking for a streamlined solution that saves time and resources?

Attend this session where we will unveil a revolutionary security platform, designed to meet the unique needs of your clients while slashing overhead resources and complexity for your MSP. Wave goodbye to tech sprawl and integration headaches, all while simplifying your life with a platform that lets you effortlessly oversee cybersecurity for all your clients from one convenient interface. Don’t miss a live demo of a sleek, intuitive solution that puts you in control from a single, powerful dashboard.

Jason Pryce

Channel Development Manager, IT Complete, The Kaseya Platform

Mastering The MSP Trifecta: Profitability, Scalability, And Security

Today’s MSPs are faced with new challenges in a growingly competitive market. Kaseya’s IT Complete is the world’s first and only purpose-built platform designed to directly address the challenges of DO-IT-ALL, multi-function, IT professionals. One vendor with everything you need, woven together to save you time, smart enough to help you get more done, and in a way you can afford.

Optional Bonus Opportunity: 
Dinner With The Experts “A behind-the-scenes look at a $18M MSP”

Attend a small private dinner gathering (limited to 10 participants) with Will Nobles and team and get all your questions answered about how he plans to purchase an additional 6-8 MSPs and add 10M+ more in revenue in 2024. 
Get all the “off-the-record” good, bad and ugly of growth through acquisition. This is also a great chance to network with about a dozen other like-minded owners to discuss possible partnerships, share best-practices and create a mini-mastermind of others looking to achieve similar goals.

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